- Ghost in The Shell
- In the near future of computer technology, the line between the biological and the robotic begins to blur, while the essence of sentient thought-the Ghost-is able to access computers directly. What occurs as a result is a growing surge of information forming in the net, and the possible horrors of technology start to become reality.
This is Ghost In The Shell, Masamune Shirow's tale of a cybernetic government agent's quest to capture the Ghost hacking Puppet Master and answer life's most basic questions.
Visually and conceptually, Ghost In The Shell serves as one of the largest influences on animation and science fiction, as well as one of the greatest doorways America has found into the world of Anime.

- Gundam Wing (Moble Suit Gundam W)
- The first Gundam series ever to sair commercially in America, Gundam wing is a perfect example of why anime is both artistic and entertaining. This series follows five pilots, each with their own unique personality and ethnicity, as they fight the ever-changing forces of tyranny and oppression. But that hardly does it justice.
Having no definate villain, the conflicts that drive the series exist in two forms. The first form is the battles that take place simply because of differing views on each situation. the other form of conflict is the continued debate between those who must fight (anyone the Gundams fight), those who promote pacifism (Relena and the Sank Kingdom), and those caught in the middle (Gundam pilots, Zechs).
The animation is brilliant and beautiful. The story and action are fast paced, exciting, and intelligent. As a whole, Gundam Wing shows off the epic saga of Star Wars and the dramatic themes of Blade Runner.

- Oh! (Ah!) My Goddess
- The Show:
- A frat (motor club) boy gets stuck watching the phones at the motor club’s house. He gets really hungry & tries to order in some food he accidentally calls the goddess hotline & the goddess Belldandy pops out of his mirror a few seconds later. When she tells him he gets one wish, he’s convinced that the guys in the club are pulling a trick on him because he can’t get a girlfriend and says, "I wish for a girl like you to be with me forever!" He gets quite a surprise when the wish is approved and the "Ultimate Force" goes to work to keep them together.
- My Opinion:
- I think this show is great and quite funny, if you’re looking for something funny and don’t mind something a bit romantic you’ll probably
like it.

- Ronin(Rotten) Warriors
- What happnes when you combine 5 unrelatable heroes, one paper thin plot, and tons of cheese? One of the dumbest excuses for anime and a total waste of film, Rotten Warriors (actually Ronin Warriors, even though no one in the show is a ronin). If you don't think those things are bad enough, then there are a few more reasons to stay away from this stupidity:
- The main villain is a giant floating head that never moves.
- Every time a villain shows up (even if they've appeared before), one of the good guys (or their dumbass friends) says "He must be the warlord they call [name of warlord]."
- There are only 3 decent or good characters--Anubis, Lady Khyra, and Lord Sabrestrike. Unfortunately, Anubis becomes whiny, Khyra doesn't do anything once she shows up, and Sabrestrike (the best character of all) shows up in one episode and dies in the next!
- When the world is being attacked by the Dynasty, 99% of the time, there's no one around, even in big cities.
- Almost all of the action can be described as the rings on the Ancient's staff clanging around for no reason.
- Once the main villain gets a body, he only moves once or twice total while he's on screen--and he gets a body halfway through the series.
I'm sure there's more, but it's too stupid to remember. In on word, Ronin/Rotten Warriors is STUPID.
- Perfect Blue
- Can you say "What if Alfred Hitchcock made an Anime?" Well if you can then you have Perfect Blue. This movie is a shining example of how not all Anime has to be about karate fighters or giant robots. This film tells the story of a young woman named Mima Kirigoe. She was a singer in a successful girl group until she decided that she wanted to be an actress. All was well until one of her would be fans begins to stalk her, and some of her co-workers from the TV show end up dead. Soon Mima cannot tell the difference between reality and her own hallucinations.
This movie is based on a novel by acclaimed Japanese writer Yoshikazu Takeuchi. The movie is beautifully animated, compounded with intensely eerie music throughout the film.
On the down side the movie can be extremely confusing at times. WARNING: You might get a headache the first time you watch this movie! There are points in the film when you don't know if what you are watching is reality or if it's all part of Mima's mind... but this is also part of the fun of this movie. You might have to watch it a couple of times to catch every little hidden detail and get the full scope of the film. This movie is timeless in it's moral and can be summed up in one simple phrase; "Is fame worth the cost of identity?"

- Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Shoujo Kakumei Utena)
- The Show:
- A little princess loses her parents and a prince happens upon her, impresses her, and givers her a ring that will some day lead her to him. Utena starts at a new school where her wardrobe shocks most because of the prince that saved her from despair she dresses like a prince to be just like him (She’s doesn’t have a thing for girls though). In her new school she accidentally ends up involved with a group that fights (with swords) over the "rose bride." The winner of the duel becomes engaged to her.
- My Opinion:
- This show is definitely weird, but in a very humorous way. The fights are interesting and reveal character traits of the duelists. The music can at times be a bit annoying but overall I’d say it’s good.

- X
- This movie is a great film for any Anime lover. It tells the story of a young boy named Kamui Shirou who must return to Tokyo to except a destiny he does no desire. He was chosen by fate to fight for humanities future, either for it or against it. The Dragons of Heaven are a group of warriors that fight to save mankind, while the Dragons of Earth fight to purify Earth of mankind. Kamui must pick a side to fight for and is reluctant at first until he realizes that his childhood friends Fuma and Kotori are in danger. Kamui decides to join the Dragons of Heaven, unfortunatly he does not realize that by doing so Fuma, who turns out to be Kamui's twin star, must join the Dragons of Earth. Which means these two best friends must fight each other for the fate of mankind.
This movie was written collectively by a group of female writers called Clamp (Tokyo Babylon, Magic Knight Rayearth). With some of the best animation since Ghost in the Shell this film is sure to become a fan favorite. The movie is very dreamlike in nature, with a fluidity to it only seen in peoples dreams. This is one of the reasons that I enjoyed this movie so much, it's not just another movie. It has so much originality to it.
On the down side this movie can be slightly confusing and drawn out at times. Character development is another problem. There are seven Dragons of Heaven not including Kamui, and seven Dragons of Earth not including Fuma. You never really learn anything about any of these other characters, making them seem two dimensional and unreal. The most disappointing part of this movie is the final battle, which was lead up to through the entire movie, and it lasted about 30 seconds. Yet despite these downfalls, all in all this is a worthwhile movie to go see. It will be worth your time.

Quick Ratings
Armitage III

Blue Submarine 6

Devil Hunter Yohko
- 1

- 2,3,5,6

Dragonball Z

Gundam Wing

Fushigi Yugi (Yuugi)

Sailor Moon

- Tenchi Muyo

- Tenchi Universe

- Tenchi in Tokyo

Those Who Hunt Elves

Video Games